
A Guide to Political Positions

Would you be willing to personally enforce your political position on others?

I’m not asking if you’d be technically or physically or financially capable of enforcing it, but if you’d be personally willing to enforce it. In other words, would you be willing to physically walk up to someone in contravention of your dictate, handcuff them, throw them into a van, and lock them up or fine them by physically dispossessing them of their money or private property?

Remember, we’re assuming this presents no technical, physical or financial obstacle.

So if you think smoking pot is a crime, would you be willing to personally go and apprehend, cuff, jail or dispossess someone in their home smoking pot while watching Endless Summer II? If you want a minimum wage, would you be willing to personally walk up to two consenting adults who’d negotiated a wage below the minimum and physically apprehend, cuff, jail or dispossess employer and employee or physically force funds out of the employer’s possession to hand over to the employee at the threat of assault by you?

Are you using the state as your henchman to enforce your aims so that you keep your hands clean? The Mafia boss too feels less tainted when he sends his goons out with baseball bats to break knee caps.

It is one thing calling upon the state to enforce things that you would also be personally willing to enforce but face technical/physical/cost/efficiency barriers, and quite another hiring the state to be your goon.